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Showing posts from May 10, 2020

Fear of corona

Hello friends, it seems to me that today all mankind in the form of Covid 19 virus is facing the biggest threat of this century. Millions of people have died worldwide and millions have been infected with this virus. We have faced this kind of danger before also. Today, due to this virus, millions of people around the world are forced to close their homes, people living in other places in connection with work have been stopped from going to their homes. Traffic is closed, people's work is closed, the economy has come to a standstill. The biggest global recession is being predicted in the world so far. As if life has stopped Countries like America, Italy, Spain, Britain, France etc. are called developed nations and medical services of these nations are considered to be the best in the world, but Corona has the highest havoc among these nations. In America, the number of deaths has been so high that more people have died due to this disease than those killed in the Vietnam War. More


Universe  The mysteries of the sky, the cycles of the Sun, Moon and the stars have evoked immense feelings of wonder  and awe in Man's mind from prehistoric times, giving birth to countless myths and beliefs. The first step towards understanding the Universe is to know about the solar system, the family to which we all belong. It comprises of the Sun and the eight planets that go around it. How did the Universe originate? There are various theory that tells about the originating of Universe. In which two theories are more popular. They are Big Bang Theory and Steady State Theory.       According to the 'Big Bang' Theory, the Universe is the result of an explosion called the Big Bang. This explosion occurred about 14 billion years ago. When the Big Bang happened, it loose a huge amount of energy. This energy keeps the Universe expanding. This expansion is likely to continue for another 50 billion years.     The British Scientists Fred Hoyle, Hermann Bondi and Thomas Gold, i

Nuclear Energy

What is Nuclear Energy ? Nuclear Energy is the energy of the Nucleus, or core of an atom. Atoms make up everything in the universe, and are held together with great force.    In a process called fission, atoms are broken apart, and energy is released. Atoms of uranium, a common element that can be mined from the Earth, are used in nuclear reactors. In fission a tiny particle called a neutron hits a uranium atom and the atom splits. This releases more neutrons, and generates a chain reaction. That reaction releases huge amounts of energy. Nuclear energy is also produced when two atoms join to become a new atom. This process is called fusion. What is the structure of an atom ? It is important to get an idea of the structure of an atom to understand how nuclear energy is produced. An atom is not the smallest particle of matter. The outer part of an atom consists of a cloud- often called shell or orbit- of particles called electrons, while inside this 'cloud' is the inner core of


What is nano? The Greek word for dwarf is nano.In nanotechnology, a 'nanometre' is a billionth of  a metre, and each nanometre is only 3 to 5 atoms wide.Things on this scale cannot be seen even with ordinary microscopes. Objects this small require a special tool called a scanning probe microscope. 1 metre =100 centimetre  1 centimetre = 10 millimetre  1 millimetre = 0.000001 nanometre What is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology is a wonderful new technology in which scientists rearrange atoms and molecules of matter to nano specifications. Or to put it differently, the use and control of tiny matter is called nanatechnology. The tiny matter is referred to as nanoparticles. These particles are measured in nanometres. Matter at the nanoscale has different properties from the same matter in bulk form.  MEMS   MEMS stands for microelectromechanical systems. These are machines with moving parts that contain both electrical and mechanical parts. They are made with nanotechnology, and a

Octal and Hexadecimal Number

Complement of a Number    Types of Number system    Convert Decimal to Binary If you are new to this article, I strongly recommend to read our previous article before preceding this. In our previous article, we had already seen that binary number has a base of 2. It means that binary number contains 2 1 = 2 combinations which are 0 and 1. Similarly, Octal and Hexadecimal number has a fixed number of combinations. As we earlier know that octal has a base 8, then it contains 8 digits through 0 to 7 which means 2 3 =8 combinations and Hexadecimal has a base 16 which means it has 2 4 =16 combinations.                 If you are focusing on a sequence i.e. octal, hexadecimal. They are the combinations of increasing power of 2. Octal – 2 3 , Hexadecimal - 2 4 This power indicates how many bits are in a number for a particular number system Octal has 3 bits Hexadecimal has 4 bits This can be clear understand by following diagram-   Explain – In this diagram, first we co