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The mysteries of the sky, the cycles of the Sun, Moon and the stars have evoked immense feelings of wonder  and awe in Man's mind from prehistoric times, giving birth to countless myths and beliefs. The first step towards understanding the Universe is to know about the solar system, the family to which we all belong. It comprises of the Sun and the eight planets that go around it.

How did the Universe originate?
There are various theory that tells about the originating of Universe. In which two theories are more popular. They are Big Bang Theory and Steady State Theory.
      According to the 'Big Bang' Theory, the Universe is the result of an explosion called the Big Bang. This explosion occurred about 14 billion years ago. When the Big Bang happened, it loose a huge amount of energy. This energy keeps the Universe expanding. This expansion is likely to continue for another 50 billion years.
    The British Scientists Fred Hoyle, Hermann Bondi and Thomas Gold, in 1948, put forward the Steady State Theory. According to this theory, the Universe is uniform, throughout both time and space, and had no 'beginning'. Since this theory had no answer to many phenomena found in Universe, it gradually lost.

What does the Universe consists of ?
The Universe is so vast that it contains everything. The Universe consists of all galaxies, the stars, the Sun, the Earth  and everything that exists in limitless space. The size of the Universe is beyond human imagination. There may be distant worlds in the Universe about which we know nothing. Even every empty space is a part of the Universe, and so are matter, time, and energy.

What do we understand about the birth of the Universe ?
The vast Universe was once smaller than atom.This tightly packed particle exploded, and from it came all the material of which the Universe is made.Once the Big Bang occurred, the Universe began stretching like the rubber skin of a huge balloon. Space and time began to expand at an incredible rate. This phenomenon is called inflation of space. At the end of the rapid inflation, the Universe became cooler, and the particles that make up matter began to form out of some of the energy. The gas and dust formed after the explosion, condensed into galaxies, that are speeding away from each other.

What is a light year ?
A light year is not a measure of time. It is a measure of distance, Stars and planets are so far away that distance in kilometres, the number would be enormous. So, these huge distances are measured in 'light years'. Light travels at a speed of 2,99,792.458 km/sec. 
1 light year = 9,460,000,000,000 km.
Proxima Centurai, our nearest star, next to Sun is 4.2 light years away from us.


  1. Can you tell more about universe,like-mysterious things in the universe


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