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Fear of corona

Hello friends, it seems to me that today all mankind in the form of Covid 19 virus is facing the biggest threat of this century. Millions of people have died worldwide and millions have been infected with this virus. We have faced this kind of danger before also. Today, due to this virus, millions of people around the world are forced to close their homes, people living in other places in connection with work have been stopped from going to their homes. Traffic is closed, people's work is closed, the economy has come to a standstill. The biggest global recession is being predicted in the world so far. As if life has stopped Countries like America, Italy, Spain, Britain, France etc. are called developed nations and medical services of these nations are considered to be the best in the world, but Corona has the highest havoc among these nations. In America, the number of deaths has been so high that more people have died due to this disease than those killed in the Vietnam War. More than four million people worldwide are affected by this infection, of which approximately one third are US citizens. The US President also believes that about 1 lakh people in America can be killed due to this disease. It is from this that the severity of the situation is known.
      On the contrary, India does not stand anywhere in front of these nations in terms of its medical services, yet the infection of corona in India has not reached its third stage. But now the number of corona infections in India has surpassed China. The thing is that in China, the corona was mainly spread to only one province of Hubei, in that only the city of Wuhan was the most affected by the corona. Only a few hundred cases have been reported in other states of China. China has now almost controlled the corona (although the rest of the world does not believe China's data to be reliable). In India, the situation has not worsened due to measures like lockdown by the government at the right time. But if the countrymen do not take corona seriously then it will not take time for the disease to spread rapidly in our country due to high population density. The way the Tablighi Jamaat spoiled the situation and in some cities, the anti-social elements treated the doctors and police with indecent and violent behavior, it has only served to weaken our fight against Corona. Even in India, the number of corona infects is increasing rapidly, so now the situation may be frightening in the times ahead. If we still do not manage, then we have to be ready to face its serious consequences.



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