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Showing posts from June 21, 2020

Hunters of the Animal World

    In the cycle of life, predators always occupy an important position. They are killers. But they kill, only to 'kill' their hunger. In fact, the story of the animal kingdom is full of predators trying to catch prey, and the prey trying to outwit predators. It is the balance between the two that takes the drama of life forward. In the wild, there is no place for the weak, whether it's the predator or the prey, and only the fittest survives. The hunters keep populations healthy by weeding out the old and the sick. Of course, there are also creatures that steal the prey caught by others, like hyenas.      We have collected information about some animals for which you must know. 1 . Bengal Tigers : The Bengal Tiger is found in the rainforests and grasslands of Bangladesh, Bhutan Burma, China, India and Nepal. Bengal tigers are extremely large, and the males are up to 3 meters in length. The Bengal tiger's fur is orange brown, with black stripes. It hunts deer, pigs, a