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Showing posts from May 31, 2020

Find square root by vedic maths

1.     We have to look at the numbers from 1 to 9.      Square of 1 (1 2 )=    1 Square of 2 (2 2 )=    4 Square of 3 (3 2 )=    9 Square of 4 (4 2 )= 16 Square of 5 (5 2 )= 25 Square of 6 (6 2 )= 36 Square of 7 (7 2 )= 49 Square of 8 (8 2 )= 64 Square of 9 (9 2 )= 81 2.      From this we can infer that Square root of any number which ends with 1 will end with 1 or 9 (1+9=10). Square root of any number which ends with 4 will end with 2 or 8 (2+8=10). Square root of any number which ends with 9 will end with 3 or 7 (3+7=10). Square root of any number which ends with 6 will end with 6 or 4 (6+4=10). If the square ends in         1        4        9        6         5         0 The no. would end in       1,9      2,8      3,7      4,6         5         0 These facts are very logical and easy to remember. You have to understand the logic beh