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Showing posts from May 17, 2020

Rules of divisibility part -1

Rules of divisibility In Vedic mathematics, it can be determined whether any part of any other number can be given completely without dividing it by several methods. These methods are based on the law of divisibility. By using these rules, calculations related to factors, parts etc. are simplified. Law of divisibility by number 2 :- If unit digit of given number is divisible by 2 then the given number is divisible by 2 also.                                                                 or  If unit digit of given number is 0,2,4,6 or 8 , then given number is divisible by 2. Example :- 10 ,32 ,74 ,108 ,2058 etc. Law of divisibility by number 3 :- If the sum of digits of given number is divisible by 3, then the number is divisible by 3 also. Illustration 1:-  In 546532 sum of digits=5+4+6+5+3+2=25 25 is not divisible by 3, Hence the number 546532 is not divisible by 3. Illustration 2:-  In  287286 sum of digits=2+8+7+2+8+6=33 33 is divisible by 3, Hence the number 287286 is divisibl

The Sun

        What is the Sun? The Sun is a star. It is a huge glowing ball of hydrogen and helium gases. The Sun is mainly made up of hydrogen gas which is turned into helium gas through nuclear process called 'fusion'. The energy thus released is being scattered in space as sunlight. The Sun looks much bigger and brighter to us than the other stars, because it is much closer to the Earth, when compared with other stars.      The Sun is about 149.6 million kilometres away from the Earth, while the next closest star, Proxima Centauri, is about 2,50,000 times farther away. The Sun has a diameter of 1.4 million kilometres. It is about one million times bigger than our planet Earth. More than 1,000,000 globes with the size of the Earth, could fit inside the Sun.      Almost all the light and heat of the Sun are emitted from its surface. So, the Sun's surface is also called the 'photosphere'. The average temperature of the photosphere is about 5500 C.  All the planets in our

What is Genetics

What is Genetics?     Have you ever wondered why some people are short while others are tall, or why some have brown eyes while others have black eyes? Genetics is the study of the ways in which different characteristics are passed from each generations of living things to the next. Genetics has many divisions like population genetics and epigenetics   What is DNA?     Each of us has a unique set of chemical blueprints that determine how our body looks and functions. These blueprints are contained in our DNA, which is the short form of deoxyribonucleic acid.    DNA is in the form of long spiral-shaped molecules found inside every cell. The instructions for constructing and maintaining cells are built into this molecule. DNA can copy itself so that all the new cells produced by a plant or animal, contain copies of the same set of genetic instructions, or genetic code. Every single living organism processes DNA. In fact, DNA defines something as being alive and therein lies