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What is nano?
The Greek word for dwarf is nano.In nanotechnology, a 'nanometre' is a billionth of  a metre, and each nanometre is only 3 to 5 atoms wide.Things on this scale cannot be seen even with ordinary microscopes. Objects this small require a special tool called a scanning probe microscope.
1 metre =100 centimetre 
1 centimetre = 10 millimetre 
1 millimetre = 0.000001 nanometre

What is nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology is a wonderful new technology in which scientists rearrange atoms and molecules of matter to nano specifications. Or to put it differently, the use and control of tiny matter is called nanatechnology. The tiny matter is referred to as nanoparticles. These particles are measured in nanometres. Matter at the nanoscale has different properties from the same matter in bulk form. 

MEMS stands for microelectromechanical systems. These are machines with moving parts that contain both electrical and mechanical parts. They are made with nanotechnology, and are thinner than a human hair.

What is the importance of nanorobotics?
A nanorobot is a microscopic robot built with nanotechnology. These robots will be able to sense and adapt to external factors such as heat and light. They can be used for everything from repairing space satellites, to killing blood-borne pathogens and cancers. Nanorobotics is the technology of creating machines or robots at or close to, the scale of a nanometer.
       For example, in the future, if you have a fever, your doctor will be able to place a tiny robot into your bloodstream. The robot detects the cause of your fever, travels to the appropriate system, and provide a dose of medication directly to the infacted area.  

Which are some nanoelectronic devices?
Nanoelectronics is based on the application of nanotechnology in the field of electronic components. Conventional computers with big processors will be replaced with nanocomputers with nanoprocessors that will have higher performance and speed than the conventional computers. The devices using nanoelectronics technology also include solar cells that are highly efficient, and cheaper than the conventional ones. If such efficient solar energy can be created, it would be a revolution for global energy needs. Televisions, LEDs, and computers will also be devices using nanoelectronics.

Nuclear Energy          Our Universe          What is Genetics?


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